Firstly, we would all like to wish you a very spooky day on this Hallows Eve and as you can see I am in full character ready to scare any sprogs that decide to grace our door this evening with their 'Trick or Treat' mantra. The great thing about Halloween is I get to steal loads of sweets from the little glass bowls (don't tell anyone!) I only ever take the jelly rings!
For me it is a sad time because, Samhain or Summers End, really states that this is the last time for a few months at least, that my body will be warmed by the Orbs rays and the lack of Orb is sure to make me a bit grumpy to say the least. But it is a time of feasting and harvesting so my tummy will enjoy this bit as Momma always makes a big stew to celebrate. Although this year with all the damps and no Orb, our little harvest amounts to 3 soggy potatoes, 12 runner beans and 20 carots. More of a carrot soup I would say and I am not really fond of carrot soup, but it is remotely better than pumpkin soup of which didn't grow either and all we had was 3 very poor squash.
Now, ManSlave always gets very excited around Halloween and goes to town decorating his car. This year he has fake ears and noses which he has adorned his grill with ::shakes head:: don't ask! He also has 'Uncle' who will sit beside him in the passenger seat making Momma have to sit in the rear seat. Uncle is a zombie and every year he makes everyone scream. This year, already, ManSlae has terrified Momma with a skeleton in the down stairs loo ::raise eyebrows::
He has gone to town with fake spiders and treats for the calling kids. The worst thing about this bit is I get dragged out and squeezed in front of 20 or so groups of kids so that I YAWP and scare them all silly! I only put up with it because I might get a jelly ring or two! Maybe, just maybe, TomFun might like to be center stage this year and me in my Pumpkin outfit can take a back seat and watch the candy bowl.
I have spotted a big hairy spider under the sofa that I have been grooming for a few months now, I will haul it from it's hiding place under the sofa, lick it a few times, pull a leg off or two and leave it out for poor unsuspecting human to find in the morning. That is sure to get a scream or two!
KS =^..^=