If it isn't enough that TomFun the Megalomaniac thinks he is TopCat, but he now has seen his stud muffin of a body in the monthly cat magazine 'Your Cat' along side his adorable Sister Diva. He now, at this moment, is strutting his AirBags about the place and saying 'I am famous'. It really has gone to his head and has ordered lobster for his dinner (it will get substituted for white fish) and he has taken pride of place on the cat post and is shouting his orders among his staff. ManSlave has already bent to his will as he too has his picture in the same photo. It was the day ManSlave fell in love with TomFun, so together they are being a very demanding pair indeed. Although, unless you knew it was ManSlave, no one may have noticed at all!
He has spent hours gazing at his image and deciding if he or Diva is the better looking. He, of course imagines it's him... but with no clothes to speak of, we assume, in reality, it has to be Diva. He can't believe he was that small once and is now a whopping 3k. He is a veritable beast now and knows it!
I have to say that all this press excitement really did mar our Sunday Roast as I was the only one concentrating on winning a bit of the tasty Pork Joint. This week there seemed to be many more vegetables than meat and we all got shunned from the lounge as the Parentals said they needed a meal where there were no Devon Rex's in it! I don't know what they mean? If the clocks hadn't gone back today they may have remembered lunch for us Felines on time, but no, there we all were fading away at the 'old' one O'clock!
TomFun has alot to answer for today with his new found love 'himself'! If he had helped me YAWP at the appropriate times we may all be dining on lobster tonight instead of KittyKat!
KS =^..^=