The feeling of sleep coming over you is so wonderful. Your altered consciousness and inhibited sensory activity creates twitches and muscle flinches all of which you do totally involuntary. Your eyes go all blurry and you begin to sway and your surroundings go all whooshy and a warm feeling comes over you and before you know it, you have slumped sideways and are slipping into a deep and restful doze.
If only it were to last.... Of late, due to the kittens being born some 20 days ago now, it has become increasingly quiet from the upping and downing of Momma at all hours in the night. It was no good for me, I couldn't take it. Sleep deprivation is not on my list of to-do's. Nope, I like a good kip or I get grumpy. Then, if it wasn't for Momma, then it's Flaire yelling her head off for boys and Ikon thinks she just wants to play so he jumps on her from a great height, like the WWE great SmackDown himself. So on and on she yells and Ikon then bounces around the kitchen at 4am bounding into boxes and playing with his toys like a big kid. The noise between her yelling and him throwing himself about into the cardboard is disruptive and darn right rude! Then, without warning - he crashes one last time - fast asleep whilst we are all awake looking at the ceiling.
I have tried many breathing exercises, Some use counting. In for 4, hold for 4 out for 5 whack for 6. The whakking is the best part, but is seems that is raising my Adrenalin and I shall never sleep with that surging around my body. It is no use, I have to join in and the box bouncing looks fun to be honest. I am good at playing and do enjoy it as much as sleeping.
Tyga usually sleeps with me, when I allow her. No one is certain that travelling Bonja managed to catch her, except, occasionally she lets off a funny smell and I have to whack her about the head for good measure. She has become very aggressive towards Flaire, but to be honest, someone has to shut her up. I have tried riding her up and down the stairs, whipping her backside and then we play fight a bit, rolling about kicking, that sort of thing - then it turns real and we both go stiff, snake a bit and slither away. Don't wanna push that too far. She is a lightweight anyway - gives in easily and I get super scared quickly.
ManSlave says that his sleep is much better now he doesn't have any cats in his room. We all sleep in the kitchen at night, because we are constantly jumping on the sleeping humans. ALthough, Momma sleeps in the kitten room mostly, due to her silly legs that she can't keep still in the bed, so ManSlave benefits form those nights too. At least someone is getting some kip. Well, him and 4 happy fat kittens. They seem to sleep at the drop of a hat. No harm in that - they have to grow. Except, at 4am, they do have a little gallivant about and try to wake Momma. Then they are up at 6am trying again. Broken sleep is the worst. But at least sleep has been achieved.
Being a Sunday, it is acceptable to have a doze or two. Maybe get in the chair with Momma and drift off safe that she has my back. Then, of course, I am joined by Tyga, she just has to invade my space and then kiss momma and lay on her squirming about like a kitten. Then, low and behold, along comes Bubbah Fishy, well Faith to you all - she then shuffles everyone around and takes top place on Momma's left side after a good padding of the blankie and a growl or two in our direction for good measure. Yep, this is how I plan my Sundays. Today if Beef SUnday and a small piece of Simmental from cattle at Kennilworth will sustain us all. A small steak tarta for the lot of us will go down a treat.
Next week is the supreme - I will be in my gold and red pen all glistening and waiting to be grumpy to everyone. Momma is hoping I might have a nice day and be good - she is wishing!!!
Wishing you, my loyal subjects, a wonderful and restful Sunday too.
Your Queen Viktori Vee. <3