Oh my, here we are, TomFun and I, basking in early morning Orb Pools. The heat in lovely and we let the warmth radiate over our bodies. Scientists tell us that us cats can't get any vitamin D directly from Orb Rays, but I beg to differ. I feel much, much better after a few moments in the bright stuff. So good that I can have me a little race about the house and let the frisky out of my feet.
It annoys me that when you place your order and tick the box marked 'Much Orb' and it doesn't even make an appearance during the Summer, you feel some what let down and a little darn right annoyed. It's a THWAKKABLE offence in my opinion and very, very selfish of the 'Man Upstairs' to deny us of this right. I spend 365 days a year orb Worshiping to receive just snippets of the bright stuff and then infrequently. I feel let down and wonder why I am being punished for all my hard worshiping? Either I have to try harder to please my Orb or I am to turn the colour of a Beluga Whale through under exposure! Oh wait! I am that colour already, brilliant white! TomFun is not fairing any better as his whites are whiter than white too! Even Faith & Mr. Zeus are black, black I tell you - not an ounce of brown Orb damage between them. Something has to be done to improve things around here or I am going to start Night Orb Worship and YAWP all night long - that is sure to get Mr. Upstairs's attention - well it will certainly get the Parentals attention and really, the wrath of Momma at 2am is really not worth the hassle!
Thinking caps on for this one and a S.A.D light has to be installed soon or I am to go eternally crazy this Winter and you don't want to see me crazy! This could get ugly!
KS =^..^=