We are in readiness of adventure, all systems go, power at full thruster, warp speed initiated, phasers set to stun. Space; the final frontier, explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilisations, to boldly go where no cat has gone before... the attic! We are intrepid spacecat explorers, out on a limb, climbing to our destiny, reaching new heights and conquering the depths of the black hole that is the roof space quadrant. The ladder will be our means of travel, it is fast and secure and we are up and through the vortex before anyone can say 'catmint'. There is no 'beam us up Scotty" here, we are on our own, heading for new heights unexplored by feline feet. We touch down, the three of us, Lillibet in the lead with her lazers on full beam and she guides us to the Xmas Galaxy, where we explore baubles and tinsel and reindeer drones. "be careful Lilibet" I say "They may try to assimilate you and you would become part of the collective" She obviously ignores me and her and Faith trudge deeper into the gloom. But I can't stay behind, I am too scared of the dark, so I rush to keep up and am accosted by a Klingon, who is demanding to know why I am in his territory, I scream and nearly wet my fur as this beast holds me above the vortex for a faster return journey than I intended. I fall, over and over, tumbling down and showing just how gravity works and end up back where I started, at the bottom of the ladder with the girls out of sight. I must get back to them. I start to climb,but this universe must have three million 'million' galaxies like this and choosing the right dimension can be tricky and I am only one cat! What must I do to save my CatWomen? Until next time KS =^..^=
1 Comment
Bonnie V.
9/10/2013 09:44:33 am
um. yeah. what is it with you people.. (and by people I mean, cat explorers) who need to explore ( and by explore, I mean locate and EAT) the Christmas goodies (and by goodies, i mean non-food items!) tucked away all year! MOL. Love you still, naughty things!
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November 2023