I went with him to see Simon the Vet and we both had a good once over. Simon assured Momma that J1 is just stressed out and doesn't have any lurking cat virus thingies. Phew, coz I have been rampaging around the garden with him and he used his sniffer more than once and that is an offence! Today, his tail pops up when I call to him and he answers me back in his girly voice. He is getting used to routine and to mealtimes and hopefully is enjoying Radio Two. He really should be listening to BBC C&W with all the coverage we get!!!
I quite like him and I make sure he is OK. I am certain we won't get on forever, but my job is to Meets & Greets then you can make your own way in life. I just like to be first to test everyone out then that's my bit done. All I am after going forward is free Noms and someone to YAWP with!
Momma has him trotting about like a pony, building his stamina for his lady friends and building his appetite and his interest in life. She has him doing trotting poles and such like. I think she is missing her Equines? I feel that he is expressing good carriage and can bascule very well over a jump and is using all of his body to canter on the spot. The only thing is, he is now champing at the bit to go faster and faster... Momma needs to rein him in before he gallops headlong into the end of the House of Fun and off over the countryside. Well it is Point to Point season soon and he will have to be in tip top condition to enter his first race!
KS =^..^=