Both Faith and Gracie are playing musical chairs with kittens and leaving their pen doors open is not an option. Momma watches on the camera as Faith pinches her baby and moves it to the floor to nurse. Really, the floor. Poor ManSlave yesterday was pounding up and down the stairs rescuing baby cats from all over the bedroom and one time Gracie made it all the way down stairs with Floki in her mouth. This scared Lillibet so much we haven't seen her all day, I think she is hiding under the chair in the lounge. I am not sure and I could be wrong, but we have a visitor and I wonder if the smell of them has upset the CatWomen a touch. You see Mrs. Esperanza is here with her two showgirls and they are staying in the House of Fun and ManSlave is sleeping in with Momma and the CatWomen - It's all too much, faith wants to be on the bed with Momma and she can't.
ManSlave has been very good though, looking after all the minicats whilst Momma got some shut eye, she had a big catshow yesterday for us rexy cats and it took all her strength to go and do that as well as entertain Mrs. E and look after all of us. She looks done in - but who am I to comment? ManSlave said as much about himself, that his bags under his eyes were enough to do a full shop in. All of this is because one of Faith's babies is not thriving. He needs lots of latching on. He is very hungry and eats well, so long as you hold him on. Then he cries and races about as though he is in pain. Momma isn't very happy about how he is going forward really, but we will see how his future pans out.
For me, I try to look forwards all the time and think happy thoughts but mainly I just think of my stomach and food... oh food... how I can get into that kitten room and steal it and eat it all to myself...
KS =^..^=