It occurs to me that I have been cheated out of food. Really, it just pinged into my head last night when I was given a weighed out portion of 20g of food. You know, I never questioned it before, but since metric has been introduced into the UK I am missing out on Noms as I am sure that the 20g was actually 20oz. Seriously, I don't josh when food is concerned, but I think the rations have shrunk considerably.
So I really should be receiving 566.99g of kibble and my pitiful 85g of steamed chicken should actually be 2409.71g and with both of these I get them three times a day in small meals, so you can triple that amount! That's why I am perpetually hungry and half starved, not to mention fading away!
ManSlave was telling be about UKIP and maybe they have the answer for me so that I could get my metric Momma sorted. But I don't really get that having a 'long sleep' is really going to help my cause, as all that will happen is I wake up and the same old 20g of this and 85g of that is proffered during the day or in the auto feeder for me to snack on. No one can live on snax, especially me. I am on the go 24/7 and this morning was no exception!
I woke up early and made a substantial amount of noise, I am in the office as the Parentals need some sleep and I can't share faith and Lillibets food and I beat up Mr.Zeus... anyway, I digress. I was awake and my tummy was rumbling. I figured that a 6am start for the house was needed, the real reason was I had made space in my tummy by filling up my tray and that makes me starving right away... so I began to YAWP and YAWP for brekki. My Auto Feeder would not be willed open, no matter how I stare at it and I could smell the 7am snax, but I was hungry NOW! One very tired Momma came and told me to get back to bed, but she nearly gagged on my gasses, so I got to go back to bed with her - bonus! Continual purring for an hour until the machine opened and then another hour and then another hour of purring until 8am until real brekki at 8am - well, I say real in jest now, under the circumstances of Metric!