There is definitely something afoot, or should I say a-pawed? The house is quiet, the Parentals are busy, things are happening in the 'Kitten Room'. For example, it's had a wash and brush up and spruced around the edges... yes, something is strangely going on. Of course, I am the only one to notice that bags were packed days ago and there is an air of business about the place and Uncle Paul has been around for a visit. In my mind that dictates a night or so away for the Parentals, but what's with the cleaning?
Well, I can't worry about it, I am sure things will be revealed in due course and I have better fish to fry than wonder what the heck is going on! For example, I have noticed of late that I am only getting a set amount of Noms, it seems to be measured out exactly now. I am not sure why, but I have an inkling it's to do with starving me until I submit and purr more... I will give it a try, it isn't hard to perform a rumble on request for anyone holding the door to my food domain open. That Lillibet is getting in on my kibble action though and this is becoming stressful, she has a whole bowl of her kibble that she eats all day and is let in and out of her little box AND she has access to a secret supply in the kitten room where only her and Faith can squeeze through the tiny door into a secret food store.... then, THEN they have the audacity to sprinkle MY noms on the floor at night for us to share. It's not on you know, I am running low already and only have 5k left. If I have to share my fish buttons with her, I may get through that much quicker than expected and Momma may not notice and forget to re-order. ::Paw on forehead:: Woe is me. YAWP!
Occasionally, this week, the noms at lunch has been late or non existent, I don't know what's up with these Parentals, they are slacking. I can't see why they can't employ Uncle Paul to feed us at lunchtime if they can't be bothered to turn up. I really miss my snack and by the time anyone decides to come home and feed us, I am nearly expired with worry that I may starve. A cat can't survive on just 2 meals a day you know! Get your acts together, or we will raid your fridge!
KS =^..^=