Faith having lost her Queenism and thus top cat positioning within the Pride has just made matters worse as she is still fighting to hang on to her space at the top and believe me she is one Brahma when it comes to a fight. I never like being on the receiving end of that one! Quite a fearsome black panther has laid dormant all these years and yet Momma can somehow see right through her new guise. Momma sees through most stuff. With her special sing songy voice, Momma can have Faith dancing to a totally different tune entirely and turn this marauding wild beast into a tip toey dancing queen, uh um, princess. Momma's little princess, always will be. Although, on several occasions ManSlave has said he will put her out with the rubbish if this all continues. He doesn't mean it, I know this first hand, he has been threatening such stuff with me for years and I am still trapped here!
You can't help but laugh at Faith's technique of walking sedately past Gracie, who incidentally at this point is growling, then she stands on her tippy toes and arches her back, sideways on to Grace, tail arched too in semi play and then she does her her move. Gracie is now hollering and starting to scream so Faith enacts her feline tango. A progressive sidestep, turns to open promenade, this gets Gracie's hackles up, she is now wailing so faith enlists her jump forward four step to sounds of hissing from Gracie and ends with copious amounts of oversway and a flourish of back corte to finish Gracie off - never once touching her but it's enough to make Gracie head for the hills or actually the box under the cat tree and there boxing match starts with hollering and yelling which is enough to stop even the most sleepiest cats in it's slumber - well, actually it's more like Momma's voice shouting 'oi oi oi girls' over the top of the whole senario - not the quietest of sleeps i can tell you.
So, to what will be the end of this misery in the Pride? Momma has her techniques, her efforts to make things work and feeding times are a start. If every one can eat side by side as equals, then there is hope for a happier future. There is sometimes a little licking of coats and rubbing of chins and the odd swipe from Lillibet and Gracie as they have a set too or Lillibet swipes at Flaire or Faith grumbles at everyone who comes too close but in short - it is possible to bring them all together in a line. It has taken a few weeks of hard graft, I don't see what the issue is eat or be eaten is my motto not like these fickle and picky 'ladies wot lunch'!
KS =^..^=