But it's my teeth that have raised eyebrows over the years as the staining is quite severe. This was from a drug called Oxytetracycline that was administered in an emergency after my booster injections, which basically gave me a dose of cat flu. So this was their remedy, a dose of this awful stuff. Momma tried to ask what it was they were giving me, but the injection went in with out a word and Momma's heart fell as she knew exactly what it was going to do, make me look like a life long smoker. But I have to say that my prehension and mastication has not been affected, so that's good when I am chomping my Noms!
Lillibet, being only a babe of 19 months, has beautiful teeth and has always enjoyed good kibble since she was big enough to eat kibble. Her teeth are sparkly and her Mother Faith at a 3yr old still has good teeth too, but she has always had a little upper dental scaling as she much prefers to munch her kibble on the left side only and she has a sweet tooth. When her and Lillibet meow, they blind you with their flashing mouths and especially Lillibet, she seems to have a huge mouth, full of bright sharps, for such a dainty cat.
We are all very lucky to still have our incisors and all our mouths are level and straight. I am proud of my tiny little teeth because some in my family have lost theirs, opting for the cuteness of a peeping tongue. The only thing that urks me about our teeth, is that we have these four big ones and they are called canines....canines I tell you. It's wrong - we are ALL CAT - why are they not called FELINES????
KS =^..^=