Mae is a bin squirrel and instead of putting things, including herself, in it, she likes to empty it all over the office floor. She loves rolling in the paper bin, digging through the recycling and most of all if there is a bag of shredded documents, she is in her element ripping the bag and rolling in it all. Mae is also chief cat litter spreader too. She has this dire habit of scooping all the litter out of the high front step of the tray, then instead of pooping in the massive hole she has dug to China, she poops on top of the hillock of litter she had domed up and off they roll, right out of the front of the tray onto the floor. Once she has finished her ablutions, she notices what has happened and desperately covers her mess up with another mound of litter, this time, right outside the tray. Just to make adequately sure she has covered all of her scent she will also grab any near by items and add them to the pile. ManSlaves shoe, a toy, a sponge from the sink, a teatowel..... Woe betide the picker-upper of that one!
There has been much ghost littering in the Kitten Room and only Gazoo has the key to get through the door (UM, ok a microchip for the cat flap, she doesn't have thumbs!)> Anyway, Momma can leave the room entirely neat and tidy, then go up to bed in the evening and all the yellow draws are open and there are cat clothes and harnesses scattered everywhere, as well as this, some of the draws are pushed inwards and have been emptied first out onto the carpet and not light things either, an entire draw of baby bottles, syringes and a bottle warmer, all tipped out? Then at the other end of the unit the doors are all open and there are toys, food and litter everywhere. She must be one clever cat. Momma caught her once. She firstly pushed a top draw back and drags the stuff in the below draw out, THEN..... she slithers into the draw, kicking and squeezing until she is then at the back of the draws, fridge, food and litter areas where she has a good rummage about. After she has enough of creating a mess, she kicks open the doors from the inside by throwing herself into them and sloths out onto the floor with a happy grin and a lamb-like meow. Oh Gazoo - you certainly are of my breeding kiddo! I love your crazy ways and you are much sillier than I ever was at your age.
Often, Momma is singing the Wombles of Wimbledon and commenting that she would rather live with Uncle Bulgaria than us lot and in that she includes ManSlave and his marker socks, newspapers, chocolate wrappers and books. All of which double up as things to play with, tear or steal. Eros is partial to a used ManSlave sock and will tackle that smelly beast for hours until the smell overwhelms him and he passes out.
Well, I could go on and on talking rubbish, but the smell of a sweet Charolais Rib is folding me into it's warm embrace and I must go and tackle some steam bathing once the oven is first opened. At 160 degrees for two hours she is bound to be soft and buttery and that steam bath will keep my curls tight and I can wash them later for a beefy whiff. Again, I don't want to not include the veggies.... Parsnips, potatoes, carrot, swede and celery and all ruined for you by having them snuggled around that rib bone!
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and crowns down for a few hours with Rexes and cats of all shapes and sizes on your laps! Love from Queen Vee =^..^=