It took Momma a little bit of training to get her to wear the bandanna and also to sit still all day and not move. There was more than one comment that her door was open, but she was just so pleased to be doing as she asked and not move until she was asked. She let everyone fuss her and was a complete angel. If not a very tired one!
Momma was worried because only the night before she had been told tails of Lillibet's sister Jasmine and how Jaz had been very rude to visitors in their home and to the vet and to David and then to Eva and how she doesn't like her harness anymore and shouts and hollars and says rude words. Momma was not going to tell lillibet about the goings on incase she thought this behavour was a good idea!
There was some discord when Lillibet & Momma returned home. Faith was furious that she had been left and reprimanded Momma and mouthed her hand and hissed and then hissed at Lillibet and sulked upstairs all evening even though Momma had brought new toys. She even went as far as to pee on the freshly washed show equipment whilst it hung on the radiators to dry. She was being a madam. So Momma rewarded her for this behaviour by letting us all sleep in with her in the comfort of the Kitten room, where faith finally snuggled into Momma and hissed at Lillibet if she even so looked her way. I stay out of these things. It's all to do with jealousy, I don't go in for that, I go in for new toys, treats and snax on offer after a show!
KS =^..^=