Take those MiniCats that just left home, what calm little critters they were when stuck in a pickle. Most of us may have panicked and done a runner but on this particular day, Elly stayed still and called for Momma's help. They were all playing merrily with the Cat Frenzy toy, sharing the feathery end and playing with the string. Lionel decided to pinch the feathers, backing up growling just like I taught him. Only, the string was caught up around Elly's back paw above the hock and wrapped once around her neck. Momma had seen this happening and from past experience, didn't move quickly so as not to give her a fright. Lionel pulled one side and Elly felt the tension which lifted her hind leg closer to her face. She was in a noose and the usual response for any of us is now is to pull back or run as fast as you can whilst trussed up like a chicken to remove the items and fleeing from the enemy. Sprinting over a few hundred meters usually looses your assailant. In this case, she pulled backwards, nearly pulling Lionel's milk teeth out and then stopped. This was good news as Momma was about to rugby tackle her and save her from injuring and scaring herself. But no, Elly waited and then let out this almighty screech just like her Mother Flaire did as a young kitten. That mad Momma giggle and Elly's eyes rounded and filled with tears, her feelings obviously hurt. Oh no, wait, it was the string around her neck, making her eyes water! Well, she was freed easily and she took it out on that feather end and her Brother and Tilly took an ear bashing. She was looking the other way and didn't hear her Sister stalking her. A fight breaks out - much squealing and shouting and all is well with the World.
On a similar subject but not as dramatic. When Flaire was a wee MiniCat, she was quite poorly with milk poisoning. Even special kitten milky makes her tummy sore and very sick. It all started when they were a few months old and Momma had made them milky meat for their breakfast. Unbeknownst to Momma that Flaire was about to have a reaction. It went on for some time and her little body was so sore. The kindly vet had given her some special tummy stuff and flavoured electrolytes, which we now know contained types of milk products and all the time it made her worse. Once Momma clued into what was making her poorly, she stopped everything and put her on raw food. Everything stopped and she got better in days. The only thing was, it left her very needy and she made this noise one day that the hoomas will never forget. A wailing, semi screeching sound like a dying animal. They both rushed up the stairs and there was Flaire, sat, perched up on the high cat post stuck with no way down for such a small kitten. It was then that she learned to wail and screech at everything she wanted especially attention and this is when she became ManSlave's kitteh. He pandered to her every whim. As she grew and her demands were met swiftly, the noise was never heard again...UNTIL.....
Last week, it snowed. We had all nipped across the sky bridge to watch Horrible Horrace munch on the peanuts from the warmth of the House of Fun. At dinner time we all trotted back except for Flaire. This is nothing new and sometimes if we don't want to come in we don't have to unless it gets past 9pm and then we do. The snow was thin on the ground and the temperature had dropped making the sky bridge slippery. Momma called Flaire in. "Girlfriend, Poppet, Blue-eyes, Flaireeee. Come on love." This usually brings her running and the neighbours must think we have a hundred cats with all the names we have each! There was nothing, she sat in the window peering in at the kitchen, warm on her cozy bed, her tummy not rumbling too much and anyway, it was bitter out there, why should she run across that SkyBridge and make her paws cold? An hour later, in the darkness as the outside bulb had blown, Momma called Flaire again "Poppet, come ON!" It was then that Momma heard it. A scream that lasted for ever, a wail and a yelling of a cat that has slipped on the SkyBridge and broken it's leg. With heart thumping she shouts for ManSlave to help. ManSlave races outside, shoeless in the snow to rescue the screaming Flaire. His heart in his mouth at what he was going to find. She was still wailing as he picked up her writhing little body from the floor of the cat pod. But to his surprise, she began to purr and kiss his face. Looking back on it, she was rolling in the light dusting of snow on the ground and yelling for ManSlave to rescue her as the SkyBridge was just cold and slippery and nothing had happened to her at all. He smacked her butt, she wriggled and purred some more and together they came in. The look she flashed Momma on the way past riding aloft ManSlaves shoulders was full of laughter. Momma was so relieved and checked her whole body, bone by bone to make sure nothing was damaged and she rolled about purring and holding onto Momma's hand, pushing her head into it for more fuss, then trotted off, feet warm as toast to raid her food machine for some well earned sustenance!
With love from your leg pulling felines and your Queen Viktori =^..^=