Today is Mr.Zeus's 5th Birthday. He had quite a good day, but we didn't get a party because I have been trying to beat him up for ages now and he is so scared of me that he can't even be in the same room as me now! It's s bit sad really, because we used to be really good mates and I really don't know what happened. ALthough, he does try to be a bit bossy and with me not always feeling tip top in the wellness stakes and having steroids everyday - I think I am getting aggressive?
ManSlave made sure that we were all away and Mr.Zeus had the run of the house for a whole day, even though he spent most of the time looking out of the window at the top of the crows nest. What a waste of running up and down I thought! Lillibet came out for awhile and chased him up and down to exercise him a bit. Momma bought some special Serene-UM serum for all of us in the hope that we could all come out and be calm and relaxed and not chase him everywhere. We also have Feliway, which is a pheromone based relaxant plug in and also some Pet Remedy sprayed in various hot spots around the home. All of which claim that they create a subdued atmosphere with a de-stress and calming influence as well as reducing hyperactivity.
Well let me tell you this about de-stressing lotions and potions they send us Devon Rex totally loopy. We ran around the house for 2 hours non-stop and poor Mr.Zeus just could not take the three of us hooning about and bouncing off the walls. He wasn't very happy, even though he had the same dose as us, in fact, the girls only had half a dose each. I can honestly say, what would they have been like with a full dose. We were all meant to be calm and relaxed and all it did was make us even more heightened and fast and furious. We all slept well eventually and there wasn't a peep out of anyone. In a few weeks we have little people visiting.... I think I shall need the full bottle that night!
KS =^..^=