It was only Thursday that I mentioned on Facebook that I had failed in my duties as an Orb Worshiper and then I had a number of posts actually blaming me for the amount of damps, not just here in the UK, but all over the World! "I Have broad shoulders" I said, "I can take it" and then promptly spent the following day Orb Worshiping like a crazy thing to make sure that at least some of the World had sun. I think I Worshiped a little too hard as the temperature in Ylitornio, Lapland yesterday was 29 degrees the highest temperature ever recorded in May. Next, I will be blamed for Global Warming... well anything is warmer than the Ice Age and I sure wasn't around then so can't get the blame for that.... can I?
All this Orbtastic conversation has lured me away from the already penetrating smell of a little piece of Saddleback cooking away. I know some veggies among you feel that my meat antics are cruel and mean, well I can tell you first hand that the Parentals only purchase free range meat and all sourced locally or in the case of the Lamb...WALES (my first home and that of the Parentals!) The thought of little piggies roaming the Orchards in the Summer & Autumn months and then all tucked up in deep straw beds in winter makes me comforted that the smell I can smell now is one of a truly, if once happy, pig. Now, usually we don't get to taste the piggie, the piece is that small I can barely see it in the oven and the light is faulty and it's hidden in the depths of the roasting tin. If I stretch up onto the oven and place my paws on the handle, I could use my weight to drag it down, but alas the hinges are outsmarting me... I need an accomplice.... Oh Lillibet, come here love and pull on this tea towel whilst I dangle in and reach for the piggie. She is having none of it, she doesn't want the blame and no reward... shucks, she is growing up!
KS =^..^=