Now, some of you know that I can not attend show, even though I would really really love to, because of my dicky ticker and other such stuff, the exhibition stand is not my domain anymore and never will be... until now!
Just take a closer look at me being vetted in at the PET SHOW this week. Really, it's me and I am wearing my crown!!! Well, ok, it's 'styro-foam' me. But apparently THIS me doesn't have a dicky ticker, or a troublesome tummy or skin problems or allergies to anything. Styro-foam Slinky is 100% a healthy dude and to boot, he is so well behaved it's sickening!
So, Momma got talking to the nice vet Simon, from MediVet Coventry and he says that the real me can visit anytime I like and I really do miss my lovely Katie, but it looks like she is going to be away for some time and the stand in Vet is lovely, but I fear she is a dog lady and doesn't really ever get close enough for a smooch.... NOT, I hasten to add, will I be smooching with Simon, oh no and if he ever comes near my rear with his Furmometer, he will have another thing coming... My Thunder Paw for a big THWAK!