Today we had a text from Barbara Hoole about her lovely boy Chester actually 'getting it on' with our Faith!
We have 5 confirmed matings and we put it all down to the hard work and effort of TomFun (pictured above), Barbara and a piece of string and poor Chester who has never met a girl like Faith before. Talk about fussy!
Firstly, we all had to watch here at home whilst she flaunted her little black arse around the house - sitting on heads! TomFun got so excited about all of her flirting that he grabbed her about the neck and proceeded to paddle like crazy, where too no one knows - but he sure was giving it some of something but nothing!
With Faith all prepped, she was whisked off up to Nottingham to see Chester AGAIN! This time she just knew and huffed the biggest huff ever and proceeded to be all prissy and 'off call'. This is where Barbara and the string come in! As most of you are aware, string features very highly in her life, so what better than to play with that at the sharp end and let Chester do his stuff at the fluffy end. It has to be said, the three of them in that cat chalet must have looked a picture! Barbara goes on to text that 'I am surprised you didn't hear her screaming in Coventry!' Chester had done his bit, dismounted like Pro, washed his whatnots whilst poor little sweet un-flowered baby Faith was left screaming with the sheer shock of it all - I think like most girls, she thought it would be all flowers and hearts! They don't call it a prick for nothing! (OMC, can I say that? It's not swearing is it?)
So with that news under the Maystar Devon Rex belt, I can rest assured that when when the little princess returns, she will indeed be a queen!
S =^..^=