Seriously, I cannot believe that we have all been left again. On Thursday night I noticed the ritual packing of rucksacks, this is never a good sign as rucksack packing usually dictates that the Parentals are off on a trip somewhere that is more than a night! They always take the black bag for one night and invariably my bag gets packed too! No one else seemed to notice that all this was going on, only me. I kept watch to update the others.
On Friday morning they left at 4am, it was freezing outside so I stayed in bed, sulking. Momma came and kissed me and said that Uncle Paul would be here at 9am to feed us. I ate the snack she gave me reluctantly in her company, then scoffed it down when she left. She kissed Faith and Faith wasn't happy at all with the arrangements. She kissed Lillibet and as always, Lillibet purred and purred. Then, She kissed Mr.Zeus and told him that he was in charge.... WHAT! Mr.Zeus in charge. OMC. Seriously, this is MY house. I know that he is security, but IN CHARGE!!! Oh, well, they didn't have to live with him BEING IN CHARGE for 3 days did they? No they were flying out to some foreign country with out us!
Uncle Paul did come, eventually. We sat by the window waiting for him, I kept drifting into a hungered sleep as normally we get fed four times a day and now it was only two... Seriously, this just isn't on AT ALL. Uncle Paul was moulded into a fine carer and played with us, cleaned our trays and filled our water dishes. He was persuaded to feed Faith almost by hand as she refused her steamed fish. He was forced to break it into tiny pieces for her to manage - Oh such a princess! Mr.Zeus gave him the run around - because he was 'in charge'. I felt sorry for Uncle Paul really, but that didn't stop me YAWPING for more food! Well why not - he could have been a sucker... Sadly, he isn't. He knows me far too well.
Well Sunday has come and gone, there is no roast in the oven, no Parentals, no extra love on the sofa. Just us waiting morning and night for Uncle Paul to come and go. He didn't put the roast dinner in either. I was hoping to have a nibble. But alas, him and Meggie, his dog, just left us, devoid of a large supper with all the trimmings with just a bowl of kibble. I am about to ring CatLine. There is definitely something wrong with my guts - they are making an infernal racket. It could be the fact I bolted my food or starvation? I don't know the difference!
KS =^..^=