Yes! This is me, I actually love the snow. I sit at the window at the top of the cat post and YAWP and pad my paws simultaneously on the glass making an infernal noise and all to be let out in the white stuff. I raced out with some enthusiasm for a sniff and a wander only to find that it was up to my tummy and I had to raise myself right up onto my tippy toes to stop my belly from freezing. It was cold, but I did manage a few minutes running here and there making the most of my freedom!
Finally, I relented to cold paws, legs and nipples and headed inside, some would think leisurely, but I entered the house at the speed of light, flashing hither & thither YAWPING at full volume to alert everyone that I had been out in the big wide white world without them. I was promptly dried and warmed in a big blankie (Courtesy of Eva & David in Ireland) and settled down for a nap... It wasn't to be! I was so excited still and took off around the house again belting out a song of 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas' until I was cut short and packed into the cat bed once again as now everyone was running around the house singing it and Momma was loosing her tiny mind. (ManSlave has already lost his!)
At least when I fell asleep there was the delicious smell of Roast Dinner filling my senses and making me drift on a meaty cloud to perfect dreams of a Smörgåsbord of feline delights. I was drifting along, belly down, on a plate of Roast Beef and all the trimmings just munching away when I felt empty again. I was chewing on a big slab of beef which became tough and wriggly to manage, so I bit into it with all my mite, only to be woken by a screaming Lillibet with a very sore bum!