Momma has never seen another cat do this thing that Faith does, she runs in a 'pacing gait' and moves her two legs on one side of her body then the other two legs on the other side - at the same time! For the past year we have called her 'spot the dog!' as it is more synonymous with Spot, camels and giraffes. But looking into this gait in more detail, cats are the only other animal to do this naturally, bar the odd track horse that is hobbled to run that way! It became more noticeable when Momma saw Lillibet do it too and we wondered if it was a family trait. You see, cats 'walk this way' when being careful, but Momma didn't know they 'ran' this way too! It is the funniest thing to watch as the pair of them do 'Spot the Dog' at high speeds across the laminate.
Lillibet has to be one of the cutest little beasts and I quite like her really. She is sweet natured and very loving. I love it when she spends hours washing her feet and paws. Out of all of us, she has the cleanest feet ever. She also has the very cleanest ears too, only because I spend lots of time getting a free snack every time I wash them for her! So from clean feet to clean worktops - well we all know this is the big Parental dream to have clean worktops but in reality, this is impossible to achieve. We have 'our own' end to sit on, but I am a bad kitty and constantly race across the worktops when the Parentals are not looking. I don't care if I have just visited the cat tray or been out in the CatPod and of course generally get my paws grubby doing all sorts of dirty jobs. It is a constant battle of spray, wipe 'GET OFF'. Spray, wipe 'OH SLINKY'. Spray, wipe 'RIGHT OUT'. It will never stop, neither will I or any other Feline in the world. We love contaminating our humans and they love contaminating us!
KS =^..^=