I have watched a turkey crown enter the house. It wasn't huge, but big enough for all of us to share. I wasn't sure if I fancied it raw or cooked? I had very vivid dreams on the Kiss-Mouse Eve and decided that instead of pigs in blankets, I would like pigs, then turkey then the blankie. Mmm. I nibbled away in my sleep and woke to a slap from Pearl. Seemingly I had chomped on her paw, with it firmly in my mouth, I gave it a final munch, but alas, it was no turkey roll. It was more a fur filled bony bite with a dusting of litter flavour and mouse extract. Not what my licker was expecting at all. She is so feisty, she beat my head about. I got her in a vice like grip and we tumbled from the bed and sprawled out onto the floor where I pummeled her good and proper. NO ONE beats me up. She is a pip squeak trying to be boss cat and at 11months old, she can do one!
The turkey ManSlave cooked was delicious. We had two giant bowls lined up to share between four. Well, there wasn't much sharing. I devoured MY bowlful, then nipped upstairs to eat Flaire's portion she had left and finish off the kibble hidden up high away from Minicats. All gone. I then rolled about on the bed and fell into a deep sleep to digest my load. Pearl was still downstairs, daintily working her way through the second bowl of turkey. She just ate and ate to match my efforts and then promptly deposited the contents of chewed breast meat just by the fishtaknk, where upon ManSlave, always in socked feet, had just removed new socks because his feet were hot, stood in it! Momma and Faith laughed so hard. Oozing through his toes. Merry Kiss-Mouse ManSlave from your second favourite.
Lillibet has been a sloth, we are awaiting a cat wheel for her to run off her flabby belly and that of Faith's too, although I doubt Faith will use it. She is super lazy! The two neuters are gaining in the waist department. All they do is watch squirrels and eat. After Lillibet's strange behaviour in the Summer where she ate her coat away and attacked her tail, she is now back with a new coat of conker coloured fuzz and more attitude to boot. She scared me the other night and I sprayed by accident on the window in fright. She can be quite daunting at times and I am bolshy enough to challenge her, but really I papped myself this time running across a semi dressed slumbering Momma, gouging out her chest and neck with my hind claws in the process. I think because Lillibet hasn't moved from the office bed for weeks, when she raced about chirruping, it freaked me out! Both her and Faith have been a little BaaHumbug, not joining in any festive fun, no playing or anything exciting. It was all left to us youngans to create a little mayhem.
The Minicats had an excellent time, they had a new scratch post from Grand MewMew which is so big compared to them, but up they climb like spider monkey type creatures. They are fearless this bunch. Never before have any six week old kittens done such stuff as this. Flaire is going nuts trying to control them. It is fruitless so she leaves them and has joined us in the lounge a few times, enjoying the paper and the toys and treats. Even played a few games with us. She especially loves the wriggly worm ManSlave got as a gift from us. Out of all of us, Flaire is the most elegant jumper. However, I don't like to share and can't stop myself from growling and puffing with all my mite at anyone who dares to take said wriggly worm. He is mine. Grrrr. I am not to be defeated where new toys are concerned. I am put out of the room. Door shut. HOW ROOOOOOD!
Pearl is really good at jumping too and ManSlave has her in training for the Olympics. She is also getting better behaved with the Minicats. Lionel made her jump by running into her, she smacked his arse and Flaire came out of nowhere and beat her up, chasing her out of the kitten room. She was soon back sniffing and trying to play in her very orange way. She wants to play but seemingly, her gingerness makes her more excited and rough than us normal coloured cats. Her temper hampers her ability to be sweet all the time. She is a confident friend who fares much better with visitors and new things than me. I envy her for that. I would love her thick coat and confidence. I am more naked with attitude.
Thank you to my loyal subjects who are following us. I shall ensure you of many blogs to come.
Love from Queen Vee =^..^=