Momma's friend Penny came along to help out and has a magic touch at settling frisky felines. She did so much chin tickling, J1 didn't stand a chance at being stressed. He had also travelled in a big crate in the car with attached en-suit so any mistakes could be make in there. At least this time Momma woke him up at 6am to prepare! He even ate a little in his show cage. What is his problem? You can eat ANYWHERE!
Momma used the time at the show to purchase all sorts of new things. A new climbing post for J1's house from Harlequin as well as two matching play tunnels and new catlitter from Crystal Clear. But the very best gift for me was a laser mouse. It's the most fun I have had in ages! Penny was very kind and brought J1 a Yeowww. Now, those Yeowws are pretty special and he sure did drool all over himself and get a soggy front! It must be nice being good all day. No drama, no thwakking or yawping. What would that feel like?
KS =^..^=