Now, I don't know if Momma is thinking way ahead of herself here as there is talk of leaving the EU in the daily mews. What effect might that have on us? Well, our noms could go up in value or we might have to start paying for delivery or there may be more taxes to pay? I mean, really, we don't care much for that sort of thing. But where our noms is concerned, we are most interested. So, with this in mind, I swear Momma has reached out to every UK company going to support our little island and bring home the fact we could survive if push came to shove.
At first, Momma reached out to a secondary, well known brand here who are advertising Turkey & Potato and packaging it so that it is the price of gold and selling it in ridiculously small packets. I mean, that's going to last us a week with all five of us nomming it and the recycling part of me wonders about our carbon pawprint with all that extra packaging. It would never work. Momma said we are registered as a breeder with two societies and could she get a discount like the other big brands. Nope was the answer and no to having bigger bags. It is ridiculous, they are part of Crown foods, rubbish. The CatWomen eat the wet food too for lunch and have raw for late night supper. But even with this, the Parentals would be paying out the price of a small hatchback in food each month.... nice thought though! Mmmm.
So, Finally, after much searching and reading every recipe out there in every country, not just our own, Momma came upon an old brand just stepping up their range from dog foods to cat foods. Oh yes. She has spoken to their nutrition folks and the owner of this locally sourced business and come up with a forward plan. Green Pantry were willing to do a breeder scheme deal especially for us (OK, lots of other cats too). But the very best thing is they are in with Bernard Matthews friends and all their turkeys are ethically sourced. Phew. I like my birds free range, but ethical will do. This makes a big difference to Momma, she only buys human free range meat. Oh no, not human, free range meat, I mean, cows and lambs and such like... not human... Oh well. You get it! Any way. This got Momma to thinking that because the other HUGE company (mention no names, cough, James Wellbeloved) wouldn't even contemplate helping us out, she has decided to not let us have the grain free wet noms either. And tell me, besides the raw what else can the baby cats eat when they arrive? Gracie is a real foody and LOVES wet food, the more sugar the better with these CatWomen, which in turn is scaling teeth and adding copious amounts of weight to a certain Princess Faith! Momma wanted only good meat with NO CHICKEN and with easy too handle packaging for ManSlave. Oh, a mine field, I can tell ya! Well, it so happens that there is yet again, an old brand out there, who are making a new range in grain free steamed foods. They had another range but they all contained chicken and well, we have been there, done that and Momma was left with hundreds of uneaten packets which she takes to the gym to feed the feral neuters. But this can't go on, the feral cats look great on our left overs but it's costing poor ManSlave holidays and cars!
So, to this company and their lovely helpful lady from Natures Menu who has sent us free samples to try out, just enough to wet out appetites, a few sachets of Turkey & Rabbit and a ducky & pheasant one too. But that one made me run for the pink tray and I only had a lick of the spoon. But yet again, we are home and dry with the turkey variety it seems. Although, Momma can order both flavours for kittens as on speaking to their vet, it is going to be ok for babies as it has all they need and Momma can zooz it into smaller bits and soak kibble! Oh and you will never guess where they come from... Turkey town too! Nearly next door to the other place. The best part is, although this new Delux Turkey noms is pricey, with a breeder scheme again, they are going to send Momma hundreds of packets at a time making them an affordable price for daily use and bringing them in line with something like a supermarket brand. Heck, we do share one or two only, but when those minicat gannets appear, they eat hundreds of packs and kibble by the sack load. Again, the turkeys are ethically brought up, it's not ideal but it has to be better than the other processed foods and our carbon paw print is lower again too because it's all bagged and grown here in the UK. Bonus! Kevin, from Gracie's litter, went to live in turkey land and now they have the same food as us. Right on his doorstep too. I wanna live in turkey land!
I am pleased Momma has our interests at heart, I am still baddly allergic to most foods even with my meds. But at least when we travel in Amara now, we might all eventually be on the same food one day and can enjoy some wet food too to keep us hydrated whilst we travel. That is a big plus for us. Hydration is key to good travel and makes us feel happy too. We wash for longer and this makes us contented. On par, I think we eat better than the Parentals do!
KS =^..^=