They have to meditate hard, be on a strict diet only intaking just the bare minimum of sustenance to stay alive thus sending them into a delirium of this fascinating Tibetan ritual. How many times have I snuck up the stairs with Momma to catch sight of this phenomenon is too many to count but as the door creaks open, they lose equilibrium and bump onto the desk. We can only assume that they have landed softly and without concern as they open their eyes, just a smidge, and if nothing more than filling their rice bowls is taking place, then it's back to meditating.
"That's it." Momma said and when she says that then usually it's followed by a new regime of some sort. I wonder what awful things she has in store for the Hermits of Maystar HQ? They have been turfed out singularly and made, yes, made to dance a jig for their supper and stand on their hind legs and stretch out their little loaves into long baguettes and to use their bodies to activate a food reward. This losing weight stuff is tricky. I should know, I am perpetually on a diet as my urinary food makes me a bit porky. There is one way I don't eat as much and that's when Momma mixes my special powders with my kibbles. I happily wind my way through her legs and then up onto the counter and rub myself on her hands and face then race to my dish and point 'POISON'. Momma laughs and says "Not poison Viktori, herbs. Eat" I sniff and shake my head, pfft, I don't eat nettles and such like, I am not a rabbit. I mean come on, I EAT RABBIT!!!
I lick the kibbles, move them about a bit with my sniffer trying to pick out a less coated one and crunch miserably. However, I have lost 50g this week and feel much livelier and fit to chase those boy cats about the house as exercise.
There has been much stress in the house so Momma has had to reduce the numbers and split us all into small groups. I get on with everyone so play nursemaid to Sol and Elton when they are in the kitchen, then sister and aunt to Flaire and SaBreena when they are swapped into the kitchen from the House Of Fun Too. It's working really well and everyone is much happier with the swapping system and each unit gets time in and time out on rotation. It also stops any unwanted pregnancies!

Gazoo has taken great care of Mae-Ling. She plays beautifully with the boys but can not be left alone with them as they find her 'kittygarden' very enticing despite her youth. She is a powerful blue jobbie and won't stand for any nonsense. She is hell bent on anything in a dish being hers and does not share very well. This has carried on from her being a teeny kitten who sat IN the food and attacked all her litter mates. Quirky she is. SaBreena really dislikes her and makes it known contiuously with beatings and even fur yanking. One day SaBreena, watch your back - All I am saying!
Well, I have to dash, there is a giant bird that needs an eye kept on it. She is just crisping up and you know what that means? Rice bowls full to brimming with NOTHING!
Your loving, affectionate Queen Vee =^..^=