Every night around bed time Mr.Zeus and Faith trek to the shower tray and wait for someone, anyone, to come and fill the sink up, brush their teeth or just run the water so the drain makes a noise. There is a detachable plug cover that they frequently remove and lost somewhere under the bed. Often though, they sneak off with it and leave it just outside the en-suite door where upon one unsuspecting Parental stands on it in bare feet. This finds the two of them rolling about laughing at the pain they have just inflicted on an unsuspecting human!
There is a strict routine and woe betide anyone that tries to put them to bed early. They whine and squeak and if it's not quite the Parentals bed time, then it is just easier to run the water quickly and give them a fix. Sometimes though, the Parentals have a shower and this causes problems as they have to wait outside the cubicle and oh, what a noise! Faith just squeaks and squeaks until the door opens and Mr.Zeus just goes one step further than this by trying to climb the walls using the towel rail, a boat (that is now well screwed to the wall), a bathroom cabinet and then peers over the top of the door and wants to jump into the shower with the occupant.
It is transcending to Faith's progeny too we hear! Lillibet is getting the hang of stealing the plug cover, but Jamie, who went to Ireland in December, is a bath plug stealer too! When Jaz & Jamie lived here they used to spend alot of time in the shower tray and have obviously carried this behaviour on to their new home. It is so funny to think that these little traits carry on over the course of Devon Rex history. This must be in the genes, along with the tearing tissue gene, chatty gene, door balancing gene and the perpetually starving gene! Speaking of which... It is snack time at Maystar Devon Rex and I am off to get my treat ball out of the cupboard... well if they forget to put on the child lock, I may as well help myself!
KS ^