I mean, really, have you seen what they are making me do now? There I was innocently laying in the Orb Rays when I am grabbed from behind in a sneaky maneuverer and plucked from my nice warm spot to be dumped in the palatial surroundings of the Kitten Room - why? Well I tell you why. There is this test kit out for a Renal Failure study in cats over 10yrs and Momma thought it a great idea that I take part. After all I do have this slight dicky ticker and the last thing I need is a kidney problem, so at age 7yrs I have been offered the test. So, without asking I am dragged kicking and YAWPING to the MiniCats domain and shown a pink litter tray for me to piddle in with special little non absorbent beads. Well let me just set the rules straight here:-
1. I DO NOT pee in anything pink.
2. I have been forbidden, since I don't know when, not to pee in the kitten trays.
3. I can hold my urine in for more than 12 hours
4. I like to eat plastic beads
5. My will power is stronger than theirs.
So with those things just laid out, you can imagine what the last few days have been like? Picture me, the pink tray, the exciting white beads, the full bladder and a bowl of water. You would really think that I may finally, after hours of being left with these items, have to use one or the other... But "I.T." has been watching me and I assure you that the leg giggling the Parentals can see on the spy camera was in no way related to me needing a pee so badly that I was fit to burst. No the leg jiggling was to distract them and think I was bored. So after a few more paw twiddles and loving looks at "I.T" they opened the door and out I shot like a cat possessed and made the litter tray in the kitchen and relieved myself in great gushing pools. Well, 3 days of this has gone on and I am yet to pee anywhere but my designated litter tray that is mine and is filled with luxurious deep and comforting litter. I think they may have to give up on their plight of a Tinkle Test from me and rope some other poor unsuspecting feline into their survey. Oh Mr.Zeus, come here a minute mate, I have something to show you!
I do agree that the scientists require my piddle for the better of lots of other kitties, but I for one can't really see what's in it for me.
KS =^..^=