The other night, Pearl and I had the rice cereal all over the floor. They are funny and stick to your lips. (do cats have lips?) I am not sure if that was an accident or not. Seems these things just happen around here and no one really knows why? Then a few nights before that Pearl got herself trapped in an upside down cardboard box. Don't ask, she is so clumsy that just happens too. She managed to eat her way out of that. It took her a few hours, I watched in deep fascination as she chewed her way through the side leaving a rather XXL hole behind her. The kitchen floor had card confetti all over it in bite sized pieces. Momma has been very busy in the mornings with the sweepings up. Another free for all - CHASE THE BROOM! When we were little, we could all fit in the dustpan, now, we stand one paw in, holding it down for those really hard to get bits. We are training the Minicats in the art of sweeping and pinching any tasty morsel that might come our way. It is an important part of being a cat, it must be taught and passed on down the generations.
This morning, and I blame Pearl, there was rice noodles and egg noodles all over the floor. What a waste really, but oh what fun. We ate most of the egg noodles and just played hard with the rice ones. Most of them went under the washing machine and the cabinet on wheels. No doubt they will show up when Momma does a deep clean. Until then, we can lay on our sides, fighting to get a bit out to play with. Some of the bags were done up with big elastic bands. I am a dab paw at munching through things, so I nibbled the ends of the packaging until those little sticks of rice were set free to play with.
ManSlave was the first one down, he passed Momma on the stairs saying "You can clean that up." Momma just fell about laughing and put all of ManSlave's half chewed egg noodles back in their packaging and threw her rice noodles away. "That will teach him, hey girls?" She said smiling at us as we sat sweetly among our haul. Pearl had eaten most of the egg noodles as she wasn't hungry at breakfast time. I was, I am always hungry, like I have worms. I eat and eat and gain tremendous muscles and run on my new wheel and get fitter and fitter. Pearl is built differently, like an oompaloompa Momma says. She has more puppy fat according to Faith to can't talk at all. Her and Lillibet are on strict diets ready for their yearly check ups. They have to lose 500g each by April. Me, I am getting ready for my visit to Otta again, so I need to be in peak condition for that. Pearl said that Picket, her beau, likes his ladies a little more cuddly.
Today is a beautiful crisp winters day with bright sunshine and singing birdies. We are all off outside for a ramble and watch Mrs. Wren sort her nest out. She does like to tease us, nesting just out of reach of our paws. She is great fun to watch. Horrible Horrace and the magnificent seven are churning up the garden and poking gravel all over Momma's pots. They have ruined ManSlave's lawn too. The rats have dug tunnels everywhere and running wild out there. There is much to see and do and these easy sunny winter days are harsh of wind so we sit out in our heated cat pods just watching the day go by. Waiting for Spring to arrive and a flurry of critters to chase and eat. More gifts for the hoomans and more roughage for us!
Your loyal and efficient rice Queen.
Queen Vee =^..^=