There was nothing, no sign of her until at lunchtime when we were all having chicken, Penny heard her mew. The search began again and as us cats do, they got close and she went silent. Momma thought she heard her over the fence 'in the wilderness' so she scaled the fence and sat on the top of the House of Fun and called 'boyz, boyz, boyz' a little term she uses for feeding the kittens and there, over the ivy, came a sweet little face and a little squeak. She was but 5 ft from Momma, but couldn't seem to totter back, so ManSlave helped her down, she panicked a little, but he didn't let her go and received a few puncture wounds from her very very sharp feet. Never catch us cats with sharps like that! After a bit of bleeding and hopping from foot to foot, she was safely popped back with her babies after her little 25 minute stint out. Well done ManSlave!
A little later on Lillibet went missing for an hour too. My oh my, why can't anyone just stay in one place? She actually wasn't very far away and was found in the wardrobe, wrapped in a fleece. Well, it's only 25 degrees outside, she obviously must be freezing? Ironically, no one had thought of looking in the wardrobe, because, well, it was only open for a split second and we can easily push the door open and hop out. She was a bit miffed wen the door opened when Momma went to put some washing away. She just blinked and blinked and Momma tried to move her and she dug her feet in tight and screeched as though she was having her legs pulled off. Now, that Hope, she didn't utter a word and ManSlave nearly did pull one of her legs off!
KS =^..^=