The MiniCats have enjoyed Christmas Day and have ransacked the lounge and everything in it. What they create in two minutes, takes Momma most of the morning to clear up!
These two little rapscallions have always played together and raced about together, so on their very very long trip to Pembroke by car and then onwards to Co. Tipperary by Ferry, they should be very well bonded indeed. It isn't long and I can see the preparations already. I have spotted not only the Parentals big black bag, but my little case with all my things in too... but only mine? Does this mean that I too an going to be shipped off to Ireland or does it mean that we are visiting the Parentals - Parentals in Wales? I hope it's the latter as I would soon be returned!
I go and check that all my food has been packed correctly and that my special Blankie has also been packed and that my litter tray is washed and clean and full of new litter - I do so like to mark that around half way on our journey, that should make them pull over! I don't travel particularly well, but I will be a good Uncle and check on those little MiniCats and reassure them that's life of car travel is a breeze. The other end is always lots of fun and you can usually set your own boundaries, so I shall make sure they go with this advice in mind. I am sure they will adapt well into their new home.
The only thing I am not looking forward too is all the blubbering that will ensue. What with TomFun going to Rainbow Bridge and now the MiniCats leaving home, Momma is in quite a mess. She knows they will be fine, but she will all miss them thundering around the house and ManSlave will miss the cuddles, Jaz & James had really taken to him! Oh well, time for me to step up to the mark and fill in the spaces and make myself larger than life when we arrive at our destination.