Here is another Sunday and this Sunday is special because our Kiss-Mouse tree was put up and decorated. It's not something we are allowed to participate in and it becomes a watching party of eyes.
Zeus and I sit poised, high up for a good look at the top of the tree and egg each other on and dare to see who might make it up there this year. Mr.Zeus said that he 'didn't want to be the Fairy this year' so we will have to wait and see who or what will have special pride of place.
Well there we are, us wise ones, just waiting when along comes James and totally ignores our shouts of 'No. Not yet!' he just piled in and chose himself the biggest star in the Christmas box. We all sigh. 'We will never get to see Faith dressed in a tu tu now.'
We were both looking forward to seeing her dressed in a little pink chiffon ensemble waving her magic wand and granting our wishes... but instead James holds up the shiny star to Momma and Momma takes him in her arms and kisses him and tells him how cleaver he is and lifts him high into the tree to place the star on top. GAH. The MiniCats have even taken over Christmas it's just not right, there is an order and THAT IS NOT IT!
But reflecting on the little mans performance - why didn't I think of that?