Lillibet would like to take this opportunity to take over my blog to thank 'in Purrson' her adoring public who have done everything in their power to make her feel much much better.
Dearest Fans,
Look what you sent me, I can't believe you all thought so much of me to send me cards with 'beans' on and a also 'virtual beans' via the internet. I also received cards from my Brother Jamie & Sister Jasmine from Ireland (yes, they are back from France!) I also received a new toy from Grand MewMew, a new tiger tail, my favourite. Momma said that everyone was praying for me to get well, I was rather poorly and I swear I woke up in the middle of the night and saw real angels. I stared and stared at them and wouldn't lay down. It was my very first 'sitting up' experience in a few days and it was well worth sitting up for! I ate lots and lots of some delicious foods, I could quite get used to this treatment. It feels great to be getting back to normal and I can do things I used to do a few weeks ago, albeit, very gently.
I can't thank everyone enough for your support of my family and to my special Mum, Faith, who has been stoic looking after me and making me get up and move about, to the Parentals for their love and for all of my friends, new and old for sending healing thoughts. But a special thank you goes out to Simon, Edwardo and the Medivet Team. I can quite honestly say, I am here because of their quick thinking. Your love and kindness have made me all better. Oh and Slinky, get your licker out of my Noms!
Lots of whiskery kisses
Maystarex Elizabethan Poem AKA LilliLongLegs BittyStringBean Lillibet
Oh my, anyone would think she was doing the queens speech! Well, we are all just glad she is making a good recovery and in a few days she will visit the Medivet team and have her final stitches out. She has healed so well in two weeks and yet again, she bounces back stronger than ever and fighting fit. We are on the home stretch now to a long and happy life!
KS =^..^=