All three of us have been in trouble over the weekend and in Lillibets case, most of the week. It took those 3 stolen zipper tapes a good few days to make their way into the world again and Momma, although a little worried, was, in my opinion, a bit too excite to see them!
Well, you would think that the zipper tape incident would be enough to put Lillibet off for a few days, but no. She went on to steal ManSlave's bookmarks several times over the weekend. They are made from bits of rolled up tissue. They are all gone and pages lost and lots of swearing at his lack of memory. He doesn't know he actually 'did' put a marker in the book and is now thinking he is going senile. We shall not tell him just yet!
Faith stole a plastic glove, the kind you get when you fill up with diesel, luckily, they are biodegradable. She had eaten 3 fingers and a thumb, quite the snack when she is supposed to be on a diet! She has also chewed the edges of the biscuit packaging and not all of it was there, so no doubt she has swallowed copious amounts of cardboard too!
I have been the Prince among thieves and had my licker at the ready for dregs of coffee from abandoned mugs, congealed fat from the griddle that was in the microwave and was left out in favour of re-heating pizza. I also had me a lick of the kitchen sink where the spaghetti water was emptied out and to top it off and my killer move. Wait for Faith to let herself out from her 'food hut' and as soon as she unzips the zipper, stick your head through the opening and bolt as much down as possible. I have now been thwarted at this one. Momma has clipped the zipper shut. Damn!
Well, as far as the Marauding goes and topping off the stealing, I also had me a go at ManSlave. He was slapping my butt and I was enjoying it, then it became the sort of game that made ManSlave laugh so much that I got over excited and Thwakked him and bit him (in a fun way). I haven't ever really been like that before and I quite enjoyed doing fake attacking on his hand and arm and got myself all of a jitter in returning his slapping. I even did a silly dance and made silly noises and bounded around like a kitten. I am not sure if I will do it again, it took alot out of me and I don't want to be seen as a whoosy cat!
KS =^..^=