Just yesterday, ManSLave was playing with Lillibet with her 'chain-straw' and they were having a ball. Faith, who is quite a spoiled little lady, wanted Lillibet to play with her, so she ran into the lounge, squeaking and creating, raced to the twigs in the glass vase and promptly began to flick them against the wall, making an enticing sound. Lillibet was so into playing with ManSlave that she ignored the first 'call to action'. Faith then upped the tempo of squeaking and broke off one of the twigs. Running around the house calling Lillibet and carrying the twig. That was it, the sound of twig tapping the wood flooring and the walls on the stairs, Lillibet had no option but to leave ManSlave and follow her Mother. ManSlaves face was a study. He was gutted to the core, to be left for a twig!
I have found myself, that I am a bit more playful and have enjoyed the odd moments of glee. We all then, have a mad five minutes with me in the lead, racing hither and thither, creating mini train of squeaking, racing cats. I then find my self in the hallway, YAWPING at the top of my voice and them exhaustion over takes me and I have to lay down, where I am now followed, not to have my head sat on, but to be washed and kissed. This is the life! They are still my CatWomen, but I feel more in control of the love. I could get used to this!
Well, no rest for the wicked, the roast is calling me. I must resume normal duties of tripping up the parentals and making sure they don't burn the crackling on our little piece of freerange piggy. I shall have to press my sniffer closer to the oven door to check into it's depths, then beg for a tasting. Lillibet will help with the vegetables and Faith only likes ham. More for me then!
KS =^..^=