Oh no, it's that time of year again for the annual boosters and health checks. We had to go in two lots because Momma could only take two at a time, so TomFun & Mr. Zeus headed off for a poke and a prod from Katy the lovely happy Vet. She firstly chatted to Mr. Zeus about his unfortunate happening with a set of keys and a paw that stretched back to January, I know she has the records but it's nice that she asks him. "Can I see your paw" she asks "No" says Mr.Zeus and snatches it back. He has his ticker checked and his tummy checked, after the incident with the 11" of ribbon munched one Xmas, we don't take any chances. He also had his microchip checked because it went very sore. So with his all clear he got a stick in the arse with his booster. Poor Mr. Zeus always in the wars. You never guess what happens then... he goes home and catches a dose of flu symptoms, poor poor Mr. Zeus, he is the unluckiest cat EVER!
TomFun had more luck. He wowed the crowd in reception with his dancing jig on his cat carrier and then swooned with the Katy and her nurse. he had his ears checked, because they get mucky, but that's it - muck. And he had his allergy symptoms checked and is allowed a little anti-histamine if he gets a bad 'pollen' day. But all in all he has a clean bill of health and stunned his audience with a strut of his newly furred 'airbags'. Katy was so happy because he is 'hooge' now!
So what of me??? Well I have a reprieve until Monday, I shall let you know how I got on. Bet I can beat TomFun in the swooning department!