Today, Faith had a scan to determine how many Bubbas she is housing. Momma swears blind there are 5 and the scanning machine said there were 4 with a possibility of a hiding one! It was an amazing experience and I was in on the action watching the screen intently for movement. There was movement, there was a thrashing and twisting Bubba and one who's tail looks like a Dragon's tail and another one shown here who looks the spitting image of Mickey Mouse!
From the feel of her, Faith is carrying low and that makes everyone think that there will be lots of boys. They sure do kick a lot and fight frequently. This makes Faith purr lots and lots. Faith is eating loads of food which is making me worry about the fact that we will all be very very hungry soon as the cat cupboard is nearly emptying out! I will have to start making a list of exactly what is missing so I can YAWP a 'low food' warning!