Lillibet surprised ManSlave this morning when she strode across the kitchen worktop and stole a Green Bean string! She then jumped down and placed said string bean on ManSlaves foot and squeaked at him to throw it for her. It caused him to have a bit of a lump in his throat, because this was one of TomFun's favourite games. She was so insistent with her squeaking that he relented and threw it for her, only for her to race off and bring it back to him in double quick time!
Lillibet then spent the whole day with her new friend and even brought it to me a few times, of course, I thought it was food and had a nibble. Not a nice taste at all not my sort of noms at all! My sort of noms is a big beef steak with copious amounts of tuna topping and added anchovies, now that's a snack and a half! I have had my food change after my allergy and I do now 'eat' vegetables in the form of green peas!! Really, Peas and Venison is my new food, it is a unique blend of protein & carbs that my body likes. It's great really, I still get my chicken pouches and a sprinkling of the new food - which Momma says she needs a mortgage for! Shrug, like I care....
Lillibet and her String bean have spent the day playing in the lounge and the last time she was seen with it, she was balanced on the top of the sofa and then String bean just vanished? She has spent all evening 'looking', very noisily, for her lost friend. Momma eventually got her a new one out of the recycling and off she has gone again, happy as a linty bird, string bean in moosh to annoy Faith with a new friend. Ironically, the other bean showed up in ManSlaves shoe? Kids!
KS =^..^=