Well, would you believe it? Mr.Zeus packed his bags and left home! Really, he did. I was giving him a good THWAKKING and he announced at mid THWAK that he was leaving and he would never see me again. He then THWAKKED me back and got my eye and made me have a sore lid. So, for good measure I made contact with his head and gave him a bump on it! Then we were separated AGAIN for the upteenth tie this week and told to behave! Yeah, right.
It was on Sunday that Brett, Liza & Billy came over to collect Mr.Zeus. Oh how happy was he ponsing about in his sparkly silver collar with a bell on. He had watched Momma pack all of his bags and food for the next month, gather up his two favourite beds and blankets, dishes & toys. He even had his own carrier all set up and ready to go... but he decided, when the time came, to ride out on Billies shoulders and into the car without his carrier. Oh he looked so pleased with himself as he wave good bye to everyone and hopped in beside Billy.
He had his tail held high, like a new adventure and new mates, he just didn't even give us a second look at all. Sitting on the parcel shelf as they drove away, I swear he stuck his paw up at me, that little pip squeak. If ever I see him again I will Thwak him so hard.... ManSlave said I ha better calm down because there could be a nice family out there who would take on a cat with a dicky Ticker, Kitty Colitis & Allergies and someone might feel sorry for me and if I didn't pipe down the RSPCA was just down the road. He wouldn't do it - Momma would divorce him... wouldn't she?
KS =^..^=
PS: Mr. Zee as he is now known, is very happy in his new home with Momma's school friends. he has found the highest place in the house to sleep and enjoys munching their plants! Oh Mr. Zeus, you are such a card. It's very quiet here without you - I am sad really, we were such good mates in the beginning. We wish you the very best of luck and glad you have a safe loving home. Faith is back to sitting on my head... you were useful at distracting her at ties like this... come back, all is forgiven!