This is it, we have waited 21 days for this little pink nipple to arrive. Well in effect Momma has waited a few years for this pink nipple moment!
This does of course mean that Bubba Faith is indeed carrying her very own set of Bubbas! It also means that TomFun has lost the best playmate he ever had as now Faith loathes him. It's such a shame, she doesn't suit being growly, but I guess she is just protecting her assets!
I of course now am getting a bit worried because of the amount of food that is being devoured and not by me! We are all back on 4 small meals a day! Whoop whoop. Momma said it's unfair to have TomFun & Faith on 4 meals a day whilst Mr. Zeus and I starve - quite gracious really. I have also noticed that Faith is being offered all sorts of goodies that never seem to pass my lips? There is going to be months of this now - how will I cope?
KS =^..^=