So here it is, our special Princess, 2 years old. Wow, where does the time go? She was once a tiny kitten, the only one in the family and we called her Faith. She grew into a sweet darling little soul who has Princess tantrums and literally stamps her paws when she isn't getting her own way... which is quite often!
Today, she has cake and some small gifts from the Pride, nothing big and lavish, just catnip, packs of dreamies, a new scratching post (well the old one that Momma re-covered) Momma also made miniature fish cake for everyone with a candle in each one that Faith 'huffed' out and made several wishes about healthy kittens, a bigger TV in her room and not to have to go to cat shows.
She was happy with the new scratch post and left it up to Lillibet & Otello to try it out, she said it was a little rough on her paws and the new barbour twist was a big grippy, she liked the old one better because she could collect all the fluffy bits that fall of it and eat them. Well I like the new one, for a big muscular boy like me, I don't feel that my butt is going to hit the deck if I miss a paw hold.
Faith, Otello & Lillibet had a good game of 'Fishing Rods'. I could hear them gamboling up and down the laminate, I say hear them, because when Momma made fish cake, she forgot to return the leg of lamb to the microwave for safe keeping and I had me a few munchies of it... well about half of the flabby bit at the top. I was so full, I couldn't move. So I was parked in the downstairs loo with the PINK tray, water a heated bed and a box of wet wipes! I did do me some Yawping, then found a good magazine in the rack and continued with the inevitable.
So at cake time, I had to have a chicken cake and Faith ate my portion of fish cake... well, I did ruin her Birthday by being a bad cat, she deserved my fish cake.
KS =^..^=