It has to be said that Faith is our number one chief door opener. Unless doors are locked, she can easily jump onto the handle and open any door she needs opening.
When the Parentals were away in Poland and Uncle Paul was looking after us, he was getting quite confused with the paper shreddings all over the landing floor. You see once Uncle Paul had left, Faith would let Lillibet and herself into the office and empty the shredder. They would then play with the paper all over the landing. Then at lunch time Liza, our Chinese friend, would come over and see us and close the office door again. This went on for several days!
If Faith is outside a door, especially if Momma is in the room, she will again, try to let her self in. When she had kittens, she regularly let her self out - but always in the early morning for a quick cuddle before the rest of the house got up - this means two doors, but she manages very well and is extremely quick. The rest of the time there is a digery-doo under the handle - but she doesn't know this!
If Momma is in the shower, Faith will climb the radiator and stand on top of the door and peer into the shower from above. She also frequently climbs the doors and often through the house you hear "Oh Faith, there you are honey". She really likes to surprise you with new places. Again on one of Uncle Paul's visits she not only opened the office door, emptied out the shredding, hole punched a few important documents, but climbed the ladder in the corner and perched on the top of the filing cabinets where Uncle Paul had to rescue her. She of course played a good damsel in distress.... poor Uncle Paul!
She also climbs into the loft at any opportunistic moment and races between ManSlaves legs before he has chance to stop her. She dashes to the top and makes a bid for freedom as far as the Christmas decorations, then gets worried and trots back, squeaking all the way. She is a funny little soul and always up to no good and always teaching others naughty stuff. Take her kittens for example. Jaz & Jamie are sweet kits, but oh my, the stories that come out of Ireland about those two. Sounds like Eva's curtains are taking a beating and David is constantly at the hardware store replacing lost sink plugs! I don't think Faith will ever tire of teaching and doing extreme things. It's her nature!
KS =^..^=