Faith received a set of centipedes and we all know how when she was a baby she use to bring all sorts of bugs and leaves into the house as 'gifts' for Momma. I feel this is going to continue this year now that she has had the Neuter-UM chip. Well, already she is back to her old funny self, carrying around her toys and squeaking all and sundry at everyone. I mean, who can understand her chatterings with a bright orange centipede hanging from her mouth? I could also say that there has 'been' a little 'bean' frenzie since they arrived and it sent Faith into crazy antics and she didn't stop running around the house for hours.
I, on the other hand, was sent the most darling of mouses and what can only be described as a kidney. Momma said it was a heart, but nope, it's red and looks for all the world like a kidney to me. Because I didn't feel up to playing with the mousie, Momma made me wear it for the photographs. I am not amused by this and as much as the CatWomen tried to get me to play... I just felt a little grumpy. Well, a lad can have a day off right? And anyway, when everyones backs were turned, not and hour later, I did take that mousie and gave it a good Thwakking behind the fridge for grinning so much! ManSlave said I was just being spoiled because the kidney wasn't edible... but it did smell jolly nice of catmint!
KS =^..^=
PS. It's a full on post today, because we have friends all over the World feeling sad, poorly and some are in hospital right now and we wanted to cheer everyone up. Thinking of each and every one of you.
Lots of love from the Maystar Pride