Flaire has been in call for 3 weeks on the trot and he doesn't care much about that either. He would rather watch squirrels and play with his toys. Talking of squirrels..... We think our neighbours in our local area are having some garden work done. We think they have captured, and trained Horrible Horrace's children to steal the HUGE bits of slate covering our garden and take them to their garden to begin the renovations. Each day, two of Horrace's kids climb the 4ft outer fence, run along, up onto the 6ft fence in the side garden, race along, tiptoe throught the cat safety netting, along the roof of the House of Fun, shimmy down the bird feeder, grab a snack then drop to the ground, selecting a few massive bits of slate and reverse their trip, carrying the slate high in their mouths. Then, they make the perilous journey across the road and into a neighbours garden 10 doors up! Of course the neighbours totally deny any dealings with the squirrels and are as surprised as we are that their slate is being added to whilst ours diminishes. Will there ever be an end to this ongoing drama of tons and tons of gravel first gone missing and now, slate, which is twice the size of any squirrel. It has begun a gravel war as now Horrible Horrace has sired not 2 but 14 babies this year and all are in training for gravel thievery
Watch this space for further updates of Pearlings, matings & Squirrel antics. Don't forget to come and see me at the Supreme Cat Show in two weekends time - I can not guarantee I will be in a good mood and may hiss at everyone and everything, but at least I will be there for Queen and country. Some ambassador for Maystar and the Devon Rex Breed! Oh well - I am what I am! Beautiful in every way.
Lots of love from Queen Vee <3