I think he misses his old friends a bit and has become stressed over night and very clingy, but ManSlave spent a very worthwhile few hours with him today and he doesn't mind ManSlave so much now and knows he won't hurt him.
J1 will live in the House of Fun now as coming into my territory will be a no no. I like him though and we have met a few times because he was devoid of feline company so I offered to help him by taking him for a walk around the garden. He did well and enjoyed the experience.

I know he has a pair between his legs and he walks like John Wayne, but mine were bigger and furrier once and I have had ladies in my paws and dragged them about by their scruffs and called them 'biatch'. This young upstart has only sniffed a girl and that girl was Lillibet and she has a mouth on her like a fishwife. This young upstart has a lot to learn and I am the guy to teach him. He has taken a shine to Momma, he purrs and acts silly. That will get him places. If you can melt the heart of a human, you are half way there to wooing a CatWoman!
KS =^..^=