Show days are early starts and Momma wakes Flaire up at 5am to make sure she has eaten and used the kitty litter. Once that bit is done, she has her bud re-sparkled and chin checked and any grease rubbed off her tummy with yummy blue soap. She is then powdered in the delicate areas and around her face to hide any imperfections. It's all about dressing up for this American TICA style show. You have to look your best as well as have good type and interest the judges.
It was her first show and she did ever so well. It is a different format that Maystar are used to and this time there was 8 rings and a special class. That's 8 separate judges and there were 21 all breed kittens in Flaire's class. In the first ring she was so well behaved and grown up, sitting in her allocated pen waiting for a judge to collect her. She had a bit too much powder on her belly and the first French judge sneered when she found it on Flaire's private parts! Really, did she have to look there? I mean how ROOD!
She enjoyed eating her noms, that wasn't an issue at all and had quite an appetite for it which is good on a show day, you gotta keep your strength and fluids up! She lay very happily in her colour matched bedding with her favourite toy 'Ratty'. Momma brought her a new toy, but she wan't awe struck with hi at all. Poor red crab. Never to have friends. Momma also brought a chicken on a wiggle stick. This kept Flaire busy when being carried from one Judge to another.
With 8 rings to do, it takes all day to get around them. It's all very busy with people and cats walking everywhere. In each ring a number of cats are judges, Flaire is just a kitten, so she went in baby classes with lots of other really lovely short haired cats. Then you get given a best in division and a best colour earning you 25 points if you win both. If you get a Best of Breed too it is quite an achievement. Flaire got 8 best of colour and divisions and 8 best of breeds! She was flying. Then, the judge pick his or her final cats. Sometimes there are 10 and sometimes just 5 depending on numbers. Flaire was in a small class of 21 so it was just 5 places and she lost out 7 times but finalled with one of the judges making her 5th best kitten.
The judge said she was very pretty, had a lovely wide chest and chose her because she looked just like a devon rex should. Lovely coat, head and body and she gave Flaire a big hug too. Hugs are so nice. It shows the judges really enjoy their job. It is very difficult for them and quite a challenge with some owners taking it personally if their kitty loses. That is a real shame. Momma thinks every thing should be rewarded and on her return to the safety of the CatPod, Flaire got freeze dried ducky treats and some playtime with ratty. Lots of fuss and nice things before more powder and touch ups and out to a further class.
I am glad I don't go showing anymore. I would hate all that fuss and bother and especially all those baths before hand - although I would be partial to a bit of smooching with the lady judges. Now that could tempt me.
KS =^..^=