The other thing that time doesn't stop is that of growing up and someone who has grown up particularly fast is my Sister Flaire. She is growing around her middle and will soon be having kittens of her own. One minute she is staying with her new beau and the next minute she is totally stuffed full of small catletts.
To be fair, I am not surprised Mum is always watching Eddie & I, we are little Devils. We climb up Momma's legs and leap onto her back like tree squirrels, racing around her body chasing each other - if we are not doing this we are running as fast as we can around the House of Fun and tipping and knocking all the toys over, squeaking and yipping at every turn. We have lots of toys and Momma rotates them daily and also makes a new toy for us every day too. Sometimes we get a box with holes in it filled with tissue paper and treats and we have to poke our feet in to get the treats or in my case... the tissue paper! Boy is tissue paper wonderful stuff, much better than treats in my opinion. Eddie is the fastest paw in the west when it comes to empying out those treats and Mum Grace stands behind him pinching them as he hooks them out, he still has no idea where they go? MOL - It's hillarious.
Well, that is a little catch up for you all and I will try my very best to get into this blog stuff. Momma really needs to make sure the WiFi is properly working in our home before I can log on regularly. Problem is, when she visits, she brings a movie and we all snuggle down to watch that instead of blogging!
Lots of love from Vee =^..^=