I felt good today on my new meds and thought I could steal a little bit from Lillibet, but she was having none of that and promptly Thwakked me on my head and told me to back off. Faith wondered what all the fuss was about and looked up from her chicken, that's when my paw came out and swiped a piece right from under her sniffer. Momma poked me in my belly and I did a little hiss at her. That ensued in a mad chase around the house with me in the lead and then I fell on the bed upstairs and showed my vulnerable undersides for copious amounts of kissing. When I was suitably recharge with kisses, I raced about the house Yawping and rounding up the CatWomen and making them chase me, the I turned and Thwakked them, Yawped and ran away... as usual, they follow me to the ends of the earth.
I can honestly say that after feeling as sick as a cat on Monday and had me a quickie visit with Simon and he used the FURMOMETER, I decide that I had better feel 100% better or THAT was going to be a regular occurrence! I was too shocked even to complain that he had done that when Momma said he wouldn't - but sick is sick and FURMOMETERS are needed in such cases. However, it was concluded that it is a transient side effect of the Atopica medication and I am to revisit in a few weeks to see about reducing the dose and my sickness.
I do feel more like my old self. The naughty, boisterous one! The one who gets into all sorts of trouble and Thwakking competitions and chasing and yawping as well as long purr fests and snuggles with Momma. I have even been sitting on ManSlave and showing him some love - he is so taken aback that he thinks it's because I love him. He is useful and Momma has been away a few days with Grand Mew Mew and I needed a lap to sit on!
KS =^..^=