C&LCCShow: SCC 2019
Judge: Mr Crow Class: Grand Class Placed: 1st Grand |
GCC. RANKIN’S CH WHIMZEEREX MINISTER OF MAYSTAR. Chocolate Smoke Devon Rex. 16/6/2017. Handsome young lad, well developed for his age, appearing masculine and of very good type. Long slender body is elegant and of good size, feeling firm and muscular and of very good weight and substance with broad gently rounded chest and slender elegant well shaped legs ending in compact oval feet in proportion. Head forms short broad wedge with good width to high cheeks and good breadth to gently rounded muzzle showing defined whisker break and crinkled whiskers; slight jowls visible. Ears are quite large, wide at the base and of good shape and spaced well apart, set quite low, but could be a little lower for perfection, muffs and tiny tufts at tips. Large rich yellow coloured eyes are shaped like rounded almonds and set wide apart and at a slight slant to give typical “wicked” expression. Flat skull curves forward at brow, good stop, short straight nose, chin falls back a little and is of reasonably good depth. Well covered with dense silky coat, hairs have a gentle curl giving distinct tight regular waves I can easily feel along the back, sides and flanks, ripples across shoulders, straighter hairs along spine-line, quite tight ripples down chest and at tips of legs, rexing on head and ripples down back of neck, well covered underparts with rexing to hairs, looser waves along tail. In lovely condition with a gleaming shine to his rich warm chocolate coloured coat, no real evidence of silver so I suspect he is not a Smoke. Tail is heavier at the base and tapers evenly to finer tip, good length to balances. Very contented and friendly boy, who showed himself to advantage.
SHROPS 2019Show: SCC 2019
Judge: Mr Harrison Class: Grand Class Placed: 1st Grand |
A 20 month old Chocolate Smoke Devon Rex of overall pleasing type. Head of very overall type. Ears of very good size, well set with good width between. Very good profile with rounded brow, defined stop and short nose, correct bite and firm chin. Good muzzle shape and high placed cheekbones, some whisker break. Eyes large and expressive, good size and correctly set. Superb firm muscular body with elegant limbs, tail of good length and taper. Excellent short dense coat with a lovely fine texture, there were no bare or sparse patches. There were excellent ripples on the body and extending onto the legs, though he has a ‘channel’ along the spine. A very friendly lad in excellent condition, well deserving the Grand. |
GWYNEDD 2019Show: GCC 2019
Judge: Ms Clare Class: Grand Class Placed: 1st Grand |
A handsome boy of medium size, with a good short wedge showing nice whisker breaks; in profile, he has a slight stop, chin falls back a bit but he has a level bite. His ears were set very well, although I’d prefer they were a bit larger; his eyes were just slightly full in shape, so he had a startled, rather than typically wicked Devon look! Muscular, well proportioned body, good legs and tail. His coat has lovely tight astrakhan curls, good soft texture, just a bit longer on his tail. |
Grand Classes
Coventry & Leicester Cat Club 23/02/2019 1st Grand Challenge Certificate - Mr Steve Crow
Shropshire Cat Club 02/02/2019 1st Grand Challenge Certificate - Mr John Harrison
Gwynedd Cat Club 02/02/2019 1st Grand Challenge Certificate - Ms Michele Clare
Open Classes
Short Haired Cat Society 19/01/2019 1st Challenge Certificate - Ms Perri L Mansaray
Rex Cat Club 19/01/2019 1st Challenge Certificate - Mr John Hansson
National Cat Club 08/12/2018 1st Challenge Certificate - Mrs Shelagh Heavens
Colourpoint, Rex-Coated & A O V Club 24/11/2018 1st Challenge Certificate - Mrs Naomi Johnson
Kensington Cat Club 16/06/2018 2nd Open - Mrs Betty Shingleton
Herts & Middx Cat Club 16/06/2018 2nd Open - Mr Phil Cornish
Short Haired Cat Society 20/01/2018 3rd Open - Mr Ian Macro
Kitten Classes
Rex Cat Club 20/01/2018 1st - Mrs Sally Rainbow-Ockwell
Supreme Show 28/10/2017 1st - Mr George Godfrey
Coventry & Leicester Cat Club 23/02/2019 1st Grand Challenge Certificate - Mr Steve Crow
Shropshire Cat Club 02/02/2019 1st Grand Challenge Certificate - Mr John Harrison
Gwynedd Cat Club 02/02/2019 1st Grand Challenge Certificate - Ms Michele Clare
Open Classes
Short Haired Cat Society 19/01/2019 1st Challenge Certificate - Ms Perri L Mansaray
Rex Cat Club 19/01/2019 1st Challenge Certificate - Mr John Hansson
National Cat Club 08/12/2018 1st Challenge Certificate - Mrs Shelagh Heavens
Colourpoint, Rex-Coated & A O V Club 24/11/2018 1st Challenge Certificate - Mrs Naomi Johnson
Kensington Cat Club 16/06/2018 2nd Open - Mrs Betty Shingleton
Herts & Middx Cat Club 16/06/2018 2nd Open - Mr Phil Cornish
Short Haired Cat Society 20/01/2018 3rd Open - Mr Ian Macro
Kitten Classes
Rex Cat Club 20/01/2018 1st - Mrs Sally Rainbow-Ockwell
Supreme Show 28/10/2017 1st - Mr George Godfrey